Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gap Logo Synopsis

 I want to start off my paper by saying in my opinion this new logo is a horrible choice. I pulled the new and old logo up next to each other and neither one of the logos was very appealing to me. Neither one of them say clothing to me or have any type of theme that they match. Although this is the case, with big companies like these after a certain amount of time and recognition companies are easily recognized and associated with their logo. As years go on consumers have a certain logo in their minds and as soon as a logo is seen, that brand automatically comes to mind. When a logo is changed in a huge company like GAP, customers are shocked and it takes them time to get used to recognizing the change. Companies take a huge risk when going to make changes like this, especially a logo change.

When the new logo hit the news, consumer immediately began responding. Responses to the logo change was not good, as not only GAP, but Banana Republic and also Old Navy saw a percentage drop in sales. It did nothing but hurt these stores. As for myself as a consumer I become very loyal to certain brands, and I know if something like this were to take place with a brand I was loyal to, sales for me would drop also. It is said that this logo change was just tossed at consumers with no warning that it was going to happen. Opportunity for companies can come with the change of a logo, but with the way this company did the change was defiantly a hurt and not an opportunity. GAP has quickly found out that with changing the logo they took a huge loss on their company. A lot comes with changing a logo. Not only time, but money. Logos are on anything and everything that is associated with the company, and posted on anything and everything that the mall has to inform consumers. Future sales could rise, but with all the debate, I am afraid sales will only continue to decrease. Consumers are saying that this new logo looks like it was created in an old version of Microsoft Word. I would say I have to agree, that very little thought was put into this before it was released.

On the design side of things, in my opinion a 10 year old kid you make a better design than this. I am glad they went back to their old logo, and if a logo change is in store for the future, maybe a little more though put into it would be best. I would say GAP needs some color. Not only in their logo, but in their stores, and clothes. I have never been a big fan of GAP, and to be honest I feel like when I see their logo I think BLAH, and so therefore I associate that with their clothes. A logo tells it all, and I truly believe that a logo sells the product. For GAP to throw a logo at consumers that has no color, and no dimension to it what so ever is basically a slap in the face for their company. They are just asking for negative feed back. If the logo was actually better designed, then GAP could have possibly had a better response and kept the logo change. I feel that a logo other than a blue block and letters that say GAP would appeal to consumers more. Maybe add two colors and have a different font on the letter would help. I think GAP has a long road ahead on getting their consumers minds back on focus and getting their sales up, but I’m sure eventually things will blow over and consumers will be back to making regular purchases.

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